
By Gloria Oelman*


I knew You once in all Your glory

When I was unafraid

And had no guilt to block Your light

No tears, remorse or shame


I basked in You, I had no story

To shield me from Your Love

And Your forgiveness and delight

Shone unimpeded from above


Bit by bit, my soul withdrew

I know not how, or why

I slowly turned my back on You

And thought ‘twas You who’d died


For many years my heart stayed closed

But You did not give up

When grief cracked open my resolve

The darkness glimpsed Your love


Once again, I turned to run

But now I could not hide

Your love, Your light were far too bright

At last, my will succumbed


18th March, 2006

*There have been two defining moments in my life. A profound vision of Jesus during the time my husband was dying of cancer in 1996 and the Course finding me two years after his death. There is no doubt in my mind that the two events are linked, especially as where I live in South Australia, ACIM is still relatively unknown.  I don’t know where I would be without the internet and was delighted when CIMS began sending their daily lessons early for those of us in the southern hemisphere. I recently started a blog which explores the connection between dreams and reality and will be adding Course content as the blog develops.  The vision is described here Dreamysteries.net - Vision   


Course In Miracles Society
7602 Pacific Street, Suite 200
Omaha, NE 68114