Guidance from Elder Brother

as Received and Transcribed by Sun~Rose*


Let’s begin a new conversation on the topic of Awakening, which is the purpose of A Course In Miracles. The dream has gone on long enough. It’s time to wake up. Your world is entering another period of – shall I call it some uncomfortable ‘incentive’ for You to awaken.

 The promise of eternal joy and everlasting peace and Love has not been enough to interest You.  Avoidance of pain and great discomfort is more effective.

Let Me make it very clear that suffering is never sent by God, Our good, loving Father-Mother. His Gifts can only bring You happiness. Tribulation comes but from the ego. It is the normal consequence of blatantly ignoring the Holy Spirit. Of making all decisions on Your own.

The world You see on tv, or read about in newspapers, or on computer, is a result of: ‘Today I will – as usual – make all decisions by myself! They will be a direct result of my choosing ego!’

Now I know You don’t say this to Yourselves. You might as well though. It would be honest.

Some of You are thinking: ‘Why just this morning, I asked: “Blue pants or black pants?” And that is a forward step. Yet what if You asked: “What am I going to do today?” to first ascertain if You need get dressed at all!

It may fulfill purpose for You to stay home from work, not go to market, skip lunch with the girls or guys. You can only see the local picture of Your daily plans. And one more thing: speak not until the words are given You. You won’t know what to do or what to say, till You ask God, Your Guide, or Holy Spirit.

Does this sound tedious to You? I promise that it isn’t. My words don’t sound lofty enough, do they? No inspiration! The inspiration comes with the action. So please just do it. Something wonderful is awaiting You.


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Course In Miracles Society
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Omaha, NE 68114