Good Questions 
Questions & Answers

By Carmen Cameron*

There is nothing I like more than a good question about the Course.  And by "good question", I mean a thought provoking one - a question that makes me reassess what I currently believe and perhaps come to see it in a new light. As a result, we have a very interactive study group of Course students here in Louisville where everyone is encouraged to share their insights and questions. It is also a very diverse group with people from widely varying religious backgrounds so we get a lot of very insightful questions and I've been making a note of them for the last 15 years. 


Question: I know that, as a spiritual person, I'm not supposed to be into things but the Course says that the Holy Spirit knows that I need things while I am here just to survive until I learn to go beyond this level of existence.  Things are really tight for me right now and it's becoming a big distraction to my spiritual progress.  Any ideas?

Answer: Have you ever heard about "The Higher Shopping Service"?

It's a service Jesus offered Helen and Bill and it's available to ALL of us. (And I've found it to be downright miraculous since living on such a mini budget these last few years so it would be helpful to you, too, while you're kinda' short. :-)

Jesus says he'll help find the things he knows we need - along with "a reasonable amount of whims", as well (his words, not mine) - AT THE PRICE THAT WE CAN AFFORD so that a) he can prove to us that he exists and hasn't left us (as he promised), and b) to save us time dealing with the worry and frustrations so we can spend more time in doing what we're here to learn to do (just extend the love of God to each other :-).

Using THSS always results in a win-win outcome, miraculously.  Using it proves to us that we're not alone and we're being heard and cared for.  And eventually, it makes us feel so safe and secure that very little can shake our peace, distracting us from loving life.  And each other.

It's really cool!  I've had things I need just show up (often left right on my doorstep).  I've had a gazillion experiences of finding the perfect thing at the unbelievably low price I could afford (comfortably)!  And I'm far from being alone in learning that THSS is not only real, it's DEPENDABLE.  (And fun - 'cuz you just never know HOW that perfect item will turn up, and it's often in such a way that telling the story almost sounds like fiction! lol )

Over the years since learning of THSS, our group has extended it to a broader "reach" into:
- the higher relationship counseling service
- the higher career counseling service
- the higher whatever-you-need-in-the-moment service.

Maybe you're in the place to need THSS just because it's time for you to learn how safe you are (if you already haven't, that is ;-)

Loving you, sweet child of God.  You are beloved!


Carmen Cameron, who is a founding member of Course in Miracles Society, has been teaching classes in A Course in Miracles since 1994.  She was a presenter at the 2009 Miracles Conference in San Francisco and is scheduled to present again at the 2011 Conference. Carmen's website is:  http://peaceful-path.blogspot.com/

Course In Miracles Society
7602 Pacific Street, Suite 200
Omaha, NE 68114