Love Is When We

By Amy M. Salmen Thomas*

There is so much 'emotional' attachment with HEALING. We tend to focus on the 'physical' changes because that is what we can 'see' and 'feel' with our hands and eyes. Yet, when we step toward what causes the 'physical', the invisible . . . our thoughts (thinking), emotions (feelings), and the divine (spiritual), we are able to release the OLD and welcome the NEW (the TRUTH).

Love is when we…

Release the OLD, the past, by openly looking at and changing our BELIEFS. The idea is to take the focus away from the ‘physical’ and face the emotional, mental, and spiritual. The OLD patterns within us need to be released to create space for the NEW. Either we stay with the insanity (keep doing the same things over again expecting different results) or welcome the NEW.

Release the SIN by changing our BELIEFS. ACIM defines SIN as a lack of love and correcting our mistakes. We are able to welcome SINLESSNESS, our innocence, while here on Mother Earth. Whenever our children hear “evil, devil, or satan”, they respond with, “there is no such thing as evil, the devil, or satan.” How wise to accept only LOVE and see the light in all we meet.

Release our old BELIEFS to welcome the experience of HEALING. We are free to choose either hell or heaven here on Mother Earth. The choice is ours... suffering or bliss? Every moment of our lives we are free to choose! How divine! Thank you Universe!

Release the JUDGMENT we hold toward ourselves and all brothers and sisters. When we look at ourselves, we project what is going on within us to all those we meet. The challenge is to project LOVE instead of JUDGMENT. When we are freed from JUDGMENT, we have the unlimited ability to open our hearts to welcome the ANSWERS the divinity has for us.

Release the FORGIVENESS. FORGIVENESS is the Course! Yet, I see many get stuck on FORGIVENESS. It is necessary to FORGIVE ourselves and all others and then welcome the FORGETFULNESS.

Release the FORGETFULNESS. Most of my life I have heard the statement, “It is important to forgive, yet never forget.” Is this of TRUTH? When we practice FORGETFULNESS, we see ourselves, our brothers, and our sisters differently. Thus, how do we FORGIVE and FORGET without creating the same experience all over again? Wow, how powerful! FORGETFULNESS allows us to re-frame the memories, our emotions and pictures. By taking the focus off of the past experiences, we welcome RE-MEMBERING the TRUTH we are, LOVE. I have heard that LOVE has no opposite. By RE-MEMBERING our TRUTH we are able to change our programming and conditioning, our BELIEFS.

Release the HEALING. How do we release the HEALING when that is what we want! How profound! We release the HEALING to welcome the TRUTH. By taking the action to change our BELIEFS about ourselves, our brothers, and our sisters, we are able to experience the TRUTH. The choice is ours. The OLD disappears and miracles appear as the NEW. 

We then create and attract the NEW. We experience the NEW. A NEW picture.

We then choose from a place of LOVE… “I want what God wants.” I am the LOVE.

Thus, LOVE is When We…

...Release the OLD and welcome the NEW!

*Amy guides and inspires YOU to Relax! She holds people to their greatness! Her Treasure Chest of methods, tools, and techniques improves your every new day. She motivates you to get started and inspires you to create habits to keep you moving. She invites you to Experience the Difference... RELAXATION can make in your life!
Amy M. Salmen ThomasMay you enjoy the love and energy you are! (www.TogetherForAChange.com)

Amy, her husband, and 3 children practice and experience the lessons of ACIM daily! They create audios, blog, and have sessions to help families experience peace (www.FamilyOfPeace.com and www.SunshinesJourney.com).


Course In Miracles Society
7602 Pacific Street, Suite 200
Omaha, NE 68114