Inspiration from Respiration
Every Breath I take

By Sandy Hockridge*

The facts are we remember approximately:

        20% of what we hear

                40% of what we hear and see

                        and 80% of what we see, hear and do

When the Course was channeled between 1965 and 1972, the limitations of *cognitive therapy were not as apparent as they are today.

*Wikipedia: Cognitive therapy seeks to help the patient overcome difficulties by identifying and changing dysfunctional thinking, behavior, and emotional responses.

The best psychotherapists today realize the added value of incorporating “energy work” into their patients' cognitive therapy.  The mind, body and spirit are a single entity.

For those not familar with the term, 'Energy work' “involves the transfer and direction of universal life force energy to help clear, strengthen and balance one's energy field.”

ACIM Lesson 267: My heart is beating in the peace of God.

I have substituted five synonyms for "peace," all of which are used interchangeably throughout the Course.

My heart is beating in the love of God.

My heart is beating in the joy of God.

My heart is beating in the gentleness of God.

My heart is beating in the strength of God.

My heart is beating is the light of God.

By focusing on my heartbeat and placing my hands over my heart, I take a breath before and after each mantra and say the six lines either to myself or aloud:

My heart is beating in the peace of God.

My heart is beating in the love of God.

My heart is beating in the joy of God.

My heart is beating in the gentleness of God.

My heart is beating in the strength of God.

My heart is beating in the light of God.

This exercise combines activities of both the voluntary and involuntary nervous systems, encouraging left brain and right brain integration.  Thus, the exercise is wholistic (holy).

Moreover, the exercise is calming and centering - capable of reducing anxiety levels, increasing presence and a sense of connection to All That Is.

*Sandy Hockridge recently retired as the administrator of an adult education program at a regional public high school in Central New Jersey.

Course In Miracles Society
7602 Pacific Street, Suite 200
Omaha, NE 68114